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Hi, my name is Andy and I'm a
filmmaker/digital marketer from Leeds with over 7 years of experience in Video Production.
(Founder of Tourmaline Films)


The popularity of online video as a communication device is increasing year by year and it's easy to see why.

  • It requires less effort than reading text.

  • It has more potential to connect on a human level.

  • Moving pictures are an effective way to capture someone's attention.

Video has always been a popular medium since it's inception but in order for it to be worth the investment of time and money there's more you should know.


“Strategy without tactics is the slowest route to victory. Tactics without strategy is the noise before the defeat” Sun Tzu

Video is merely a tactical decision and an effective one at that but without a clear strategy in how you're going to use it, you'll leave your success to chance.


This is why I offer support in creating a strategy that fits with your established way of operating before we get to work on producing any videos for you.

This way, I make sure the content we create together is on brand and sets to achieve tangible results.

My company 'Tourmaline Films' is here to help you make more sales and build a sustainable brand in the long run.

When investing in your marketing communications, you naturally want to know what comes out of that investment.

Before looking at the impacts your comms are having on your business however, it's useful to understand two main strategies.

One of them is known as short term sales activation and the other as long term brand building.

They are each different in nature, however both offer great value to your business.

The approach combining these two marketing strategies was endorsed in a book called "The long and the short of it" by Peter Field and Les Binet.

The book was released in 2011, using research from the IPA Effectiveness Databank to backup their claims. 


The databank is the product of 30 years of the IPA Effectiveness Awards covering more than 700 brands in over 80 categories

In the business world there's a split between long term and short term minded people. Each often seek to discredit the other but it doesn't have to be that way as Field and Binet have stated.


Short term sales activation is the easiest of the two to track because it involves a call to action (to sell).

It could involve a discount, a limited time offer or other general direct response efforts.


The use of urgency or benefit of saving money works time and time again as does the use of segmentation and targeting.


Sales activation has it's place but so does the long term strategy.

To stay in business you have to think about making money now to keep things running...

but what about money later?


Without thinking about later how do you grow?

The downside of the sales activation approach is when you put the breaks on, sales decline.

The spikes rely heavily on the hard work of your team.

The pool of consumers they are targeting also tend to become less receptive to the same method over time.

This is especially true when they haven't been exposed to brand building communications.


This is where the long comes in.

Whilst long is harder to track and requires patience, it has a valuable part to play.

For one, it improves the effects of sales activation.


The more consumers understand and recognise your brand, the more receptive they will be to direct response marketing.

It also helps to maintain your market share which can be easily taken for granted.


When your sales are typical month by month, you might think that your communications aren't having an effect.


In reality, comms are enabling buyers to keep you in a steady position under the radar.

This is because it helps consumers remember you. Then they'll more often think of you before your competitors.


So this is how using a combination of long and short helps you to have the impact that matters.

Growing your business by acquiring more customers and creating distinctive video content helps you do just that.

Another idea that plays a crucial role in comms is being distinctive. Then when consumers watch your videos they can easily tell it's you.



If they don't even know it's you, or even worse they confuse you for your competitor, you won't get the results you want.

First they must know it's you.

This is why I'm particularly passionate about helping you make your brand as distinctive as possible. 

This isn't to be confused with being differentiated from your competitors however.

Even if your competitor has a very similar product or service, you can still reap the benefits of being distinctive.


When consumers can tell it's you quicker than they can tell your competitor is them, you've got a competitive edge.

If you would like to learn more about how these strategies work and how they can be applied to your business please drop me a message.


Let's make videos that get results!

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